STORY let me know what you think.. NOT FINNISHED

Journal of General Waradhon
(last remaining pages of a dusty old journal)
Spring 216, Our Convoy set march to Shadevale Castle to launch an assault upon our enemy. Little is known of the Dark Lord Kir'Kahn every scouting crew that has been sent out has not come back. Even less is known of the Evil Priestess Sira who spends her time resurecting the dead to fight against the living. Spirits are high as we set march, 100 of Ironholms Finest Soldiers can surely quiet this menace.
Winter 216, we have launched our assault upon the enemy with little sucess. We have lost 70 men and 10 are severly injured, i pray they make it through the night. these beasts have been granted supernatural power, One of the Evil beasts took out three of my best men in one great swing. the corpes nearly torn in two. the Dark Legion is relentelss and i fear our brigade is doomed to failure. the Thunder of war shall sound across the land. The Brushing of Trees.... MEN GRAB YOUR SWORDS!!!
My Great Grandfathers Grandfather found this journal on the shores of Endsia Island, the Storys of Legend are ture my GreatGandfather said this journal proves it. I too am now an Old man, nearly 68. come closer and ill tell you the Legend of Kir'Kahn....
the year was 203, Kir'Kahn served under the Legendary Swordsman Nissrak. Nissrak could Clearly see Kir'Kahn was destin to be come a Master swordsman. He was formitable oppent even for Nissrak. However Nissrak could also see Kir'Kahn was obssesed with Power, and would often brutaly maul his sparring partners. Every 10 years Nissrak would choose and train a Master Swordsman and teach him the finest arts of swordsmanship. altho Kir'Kahn was obviously a strong fighter he lacked the discipline required to become a Master swordsman, and had been turned down Twice by Nissrak. When Nissrak informed his pupils that he would be training Sir Kiweld, Kir'Kahn was Furious. In a fit of rage He demaneded that Master Nissrak duel him, so he could Prove that he was worthy of becoming a Master Swordsman, Nissrak reluctantly accepted. The duel was held east of Ironholm a large majority of the towns folk followed to enjoy the show. They toyed around with eachother for about 20 minuets getting warmed up. each warrior swinging thier sword about. things started to get serious as the sparring continued. as Kir'Kahn blocked followed by sharp jab to Nissraks chest. Kir'Kahn Relished in that instance as he pulled his sword out of Nissrak. Kir'Kahn swug his sword around as a finnal blow to his master, what happen next cannot be explained by anyone watching and is said to be a legendary warrior move long forgotten by man. Nissrak blocked Kir'Kahns attack and delieverd a lethal blow slicing him nearly in two, his blade cut from Kir'Kahns Shoulder to his mid chest, through bone and flesh like butter. Kir'Kahn stared blankly at Nissrak as he withdrew his sword from his chest. the town folks scatterd about, as Kir'Kahn lay dead before Nissrak, "you foolish boy" he said. Kir'Kahn was left for dead, to be be picked off by the wolves and beasts of the night.
While on a routine trip to get Cats Blood from the cities stray cats, the Evil Priestess Sira nearly tripped over Kir'Kahns dead corpse. she inspected the body and found nothing of intrest and continued on to retrieve the blood she sought. on her return trip she passed by the body again, this time the mornings sun was creeping over the horizion and she could cleary see who he was, she Imediatley ran to the forest gathering herbs and flowers of several different kinds. she Returned to his body and admistered some of the herbs and berry juice. she lay her hands across his chest and began to chant. Kir'Kahns wounds slowly closed, Sira grabbed the small pouch from her waist and poured some powder from it. she lightly blew the powder over Kir'Kahn He began to cough up a large quanity of blood, atlast he breathed air again. Kir'Kahn opened his eyes and Cursed Nissrak, Kir'Kahn's left arm was limp and usless. Sira offerd to help him seek revenge against thoes who have betrayed him.
(last remaining pages of a dusty old journal)
Spring 216, Our Convoy set march to Shadevale Castle to launch an assault upon our enemy. Little is known of the Dark Lord Kir'Kahn every scouting crew that has been sent out has not come back. Even less is known of the Evil Priestess Sira who spends her time resurecting the dead to fight against the living. Spirits are high as we set march, 100 of Ironholms Finest Soldiers can surely quiet this menace.
Winter 216, we have launched our assault upon the enemy with little sucess. We have lost 70 men and 10 are severly injured, i pray they make it through the night. these beasts have been granted supernatural power, One of the Evil beasts took out three of my best men in one great swing. the corpes nearly torn in two. the Dark Legion is relentelss and i fear our brigade is doomed to failure. the Thunder of war shall sound across the land. The Brushing of Trees.... MEN GRAB YOUR SWORDS!!!
My Great Grandfathers Grandfather found this journal on the shores of Endsia Island, the Storys of Legend are ture my GreatGandfather said this journal proves it. I too am now an Old man, nearly 68. come closer and ill tell you the Legend of Kir'Kahn....
the year was 203, Kir'Kahn served under the Legendary Swordsman Nissrak. Nissrak could Clearly see Kir'Kahn was destin to be come a Master swordsman. He was formitable oppent even for Nissrak. However Nissrak could also see Kir'Kahn was obssesed with Power, and would often brutaly maul his sparring partners. Every 10 years Nissrak would choose and train a Master Swordsman and teach him the finest arts of swordsmanship. altho Kir'Kahn was obviously a strong fighter he lacked the discipline required to become a Master swordsman, and had been turned down Twice by Nissrak. When Nissrak informed his pupils that he would be training Sir Kiweld, Kir'Kahn was Furious. In a fit of rage He demaneded that Master Nissrak duel him, so he could Prove that he was worthy of becoming a Master Swordsman, Nissrak reluctantly accepted. The duel was held east of Ironholm a large majority of the towns folk followed to enjoy the show. They toyed around with eachother for about 20 minuets getting warmed up. each warrior swinging thier sword about. things started to get serious as the sparring continued. as Kir'Kahn blocked followed by sharp jab to Nissraks chest. Kir'Kahn Relished in that instance as he pulled his sword out of Nissrak. Kir'Kahn swug his sword around as a finnal blow to his master, what happen next cannot be explained by anyone watching and is said to be a legendary warrior move long forgotten by man. Nissrak blocked Kir'Kahns attack and delieverd a lethal blow slicing him nearly in two, his blade cut from Kir'Kahns Shoulder to his mid chest, through bone and flesh like butter. Kir'Kahn stared blankly at Nissrak as he withdrew his sword from his chest. the town folks scatterd about, as Kir'Kahn lay dead before Nissrak, "you foolish boy" he said. Kir'Kahn was left for dead, to be be picked off by the wolves and beasts of the night.
While on a routine trip to get Cats Blood from the cities stray cats, the Evil Priestess Sira nearly tripped over Kir'Kahns dead corpse. she inspected the body and found nothing of intrest and continued on to retrieve the blood she sought. on her return trip she passed by the body again, this time the mornings sun was creeping over the horizion and she could cleary see who he was, she Imediatley ran to the forest gathering herbs and flowers of several different kinds. she Returned to his body and admistered some of the herbs and berry juice. she lay her hands across his chest and began to chant. Kir'Kahns wounds slowly closed, Sira grabbed the small pouch from her waist and poured some powder from it. she lightly blew the powder over Kir'Kahn He began to cough up a large quanity of blood, atlast he breathed air again. Kir'Kahn opened his eyes and Cursed Nissrak, Kir'Kahn's left arm was limp and usless. Sira offerd to help him seek revenge against thoes who have betrayed him.