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Why did Xenimus ...

Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:14 pm
by Vapore
Hook you?
I was thinking about this and one thing that really stuck out was castles and beam. I remember watching higher level players beaming each other and that was my motivation to level, also castles. Those were a lot of fun. I use to try to take the castle just about everyday. The same owner would kill me then let me join him and mess around in his castle. So yeah... I think setting up signature moves for classes and then placing them say 15-20 levels away from 1 would be great motivation for people to level and stick with the game. And then having some sort of castle wars would be sweet and could be a nice change of pace from hunting. It would also draw people to one location for PVP.
So why did Xenimus hook you?
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:48 pm
by Karl G.
For me it was the spells as well. They looked sweet, and trying to get them I was snagged by how challenging it was. That and the fluidity of the game; everything seemed possible.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:30 pm
by Rabit561
Ahha.. Well for some weird reason the thing that got me was simply getting strong, since most of my friends were like 30-40 just to get to a high enough level or even become stronger then them ^^ as well as simply just to be able to keep up with them in Raiding castles / PvP with them of course Plus the Spells got me as well, even though I at the time my friend had a 39 wizard and still said the fighter was the best in game (Till of course the spin got as fucked) so I lvled my fighter to 29 and then the nerf happend, so I made a wizard, didn't like it much, but then I made a warlock and fell in love with it simply at level 6 (True love

) the gas cloud made me orgasm every time

and leveled it to 34 as fast as I could till the item wipe happend.. I also really liked the high lvl items (even when I had a few of them, they just made more) but of course my favorite thing was wanting to be a good PvPer since that was the best thing at the time (And still is I suppose)
The thing that made me hate the game was the dip-poo maker (EJ

) my guess is what he thought is "Players? pfft, who needs players" lolish but what I hated most is loosing XP (Massive bummer at lower lvls, and de-leveling was the WORSE) even though after 27 or so you loose max of 50000 XP (or something like that) but when you can't level as much as you want, it kinda sucks.
I'm sure I would still be playing Xenimus if the item wipe didn't occur lol..
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:22 pm
by Vapore
I think we all hated the experience loss on death but I really do believe it's needed. Or else you can just keep coming back and cast all your spells, die and do it again.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:49 pm
by Rabit561
Vapore wrote:I think we all hated the experience loss on death but I really do believe it's needed. Or else you can just keep coming back and cast all your spells, die and do it again.
Well I proposed a better way of a cost of dieing, since the experience LOSS is quite possible the absolute worst thing I think could happen to a character AND loosing gear (besides dieing forever lol) I just think loosing THAT much experience is a bit much for a lowbie being PKed or port PKed or just trying to take on somthing you simply couldn't..
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:57 pm
by Cagen
When I started there was pretty much nothing in game and a very small amount of players but what drew me to it was the harsh game play. Losing all your items on death, being able to kill anyone you saw whenever you liked (bar safety squares), losing exp on death but still keeping your character so you could work your way back to what you had and retaliate.
The more suffering you can impose on other players or the more hatred a player can receive the better. There was nothing better then grouping up and hunting down a PK like treebeard, piggy or pooperscooper, having a clan/link war with skotup over one of the first lightening bows or killing that same guy over and over and taking all his possessions because he was too stupid to leave that one hunting area.
Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:36 pm
by ubern00ber
That's just the progression of video games unfortunately.. =(
Old games were WAY harder than new games are.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:27 pm
by Joe M.
I hear Warhammer Online is more pvp-oriented than most. Anybody know more? (especially what makes it work if it does, and how we can steal it or make it better).
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:52 am
by Rabit561
Cagen wrote:When I started there was pretty much nothing in game and a very small amount of players but what drew me to it was the harsh game play. Losing all your items on death, being able to kill anyone you saw whenever you liked (bar safety squares), losing exp on death but still keeping your character so you could work your way back to what you had and retaliate.
The more suffering you can impose on other players or the more hatred a player can receive the better. There was nothing better then grouping up and hunting down a PK like treebeard, piggy or pooperscooper, having a clan/link war with skotup over one of the first lightening bows or killing that same guy over and over and taking all his possessions because he was too stupid to leave that one hunting area.
Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
Yeah.. LoL I'm hearing Xen is getting allot easier now lol~
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:51 pm
by Karl G.
Cagen wrote:Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
That's exactly the problem...although it can be incredibly exhilarating, not enough people like it to make the game sustainable.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:17 pm
by Rabit561
Karl G. wrote:Cagen wrote:Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
That's exactly the problem...although it can be incredibly exhilarating, not enough people like it to make the game sustainable.
Well.. Why not give a shot on making 2 type's of game of the same game?
Like one server for simple and laid back people, and another for people that like a rush

Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:37 pm
by Joe M.
Well, two separate requires a pretty large player-base. A zoning scheme (high-risk, high-reward areas) would probably be more attainable for the immediate future. Some kind of arena system would also be implemented.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:46 pm
by Cagen
Karl G. wrote:Cagen wrote:Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
That's exactly the problem...although it can be incredibly exhilarating, not enough people like it to make the game sustainable.
Aye, I wasn't suggesting to make the game like that as it would never hold a player base to make it viable. Even more so if you are targeting not only hardcore but more casual players as well. Take WoW for example, there is no risk in that game what so ever, you can never lose anything no matter the circumstance, it is a casual players dream and the hardcore players don't seem to mind either but i guess they play for the over-arcing stories, visuals and epic encounters in atmosphere and stature. I guess I am too hardcore for most lol

Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:00 pm
by Rabit561
Cagen wrote:Karl G. wrote:Cagen wrote:Very few like this type of visceral game play though so I'll never find a game like it, even Xen shied away from it.
That's exactly the problem...although it can be incredibly exhilarating, not enough people like it to make the game sustainable.
Aye, I wasn't suggesting to make the game like that as it would never hold a player base to make it viable. Even more so if you are targeting not only hardcore but more casual players as well. Take WoW for example, there is no risk in that game what so ever, you can never lose anything no matter the circumstance, it is a casual players dream and the hardcore players don't seem to mind either but i guess they play for the over-arcing stories, visuals and epic encounters in atmosphere and stature. I guess I am too hardcore for most lol

LoL right.. I really have no clue why a real Gamer would play WoW, it's just to boring for words.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:49 am
by skotup
hey i just did a google search for my online name, skotup, and i found this cos my name was mentioned. People are still talking about me, lol, what a looser i was 10 years ago, wasting my life away. was fun tho, in the end i was the only one to use the sword of evil cos it made you evil, not good for every1else but made no difference to me lol. Dropping all my loot with baby seal clubbin just out of town then picking it up with another char, selling it, buying items, dropping the items, logging back on with BSC then picking them up was a pain but hey, i was evil 24/7. I remember EJ put a stop to my fun with magic bags and reditus amulets. Also put a stop to me and my mate (forgot his xen chars name now), my mate had that mystic blade that you could pick people up with and take them off the square to where i was just outside of town, spin-spin (no damage to my mate who was linked) hi-larious! He also used to take mages through portals into the middle of the ocean then sell them a port scrol for over-inflated prices lol... EJ took the mystic blade off us

When houses 1st came out 1 of the aussies hacked the map, saw where all the houses were and we ended up owning over half of the houses hahahaha. Then there was the old port some1 to the entrance of the house (cos u couldnt mark inside it) but place a skeleton on the entrance, the victim would slide right on in lol.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:05 am
by marzuku
Welcome to my world, The world of infinite slaughter and mayhem

Having to drop off and pick up gear was a excellent idea which made the game even more serious, loved attacking people in storages, so many different things to steal!
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:42 pm
by Rabit561
You will go down in history as the First Ever PKer of Evidyon!
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:33 am
by psy
Haha psy/lysp from aussie mofos here.
Yep we did manage to decode the map, then EJ encrypted the file. We couldnt work out the encryption method, but just searched for a part of the decoded map in memory and dumped it to a file and then got every map since.. Didnt matter what he encrypted it with, as long as he decrypted it in memory - we had it

Not forgetting price checks mage built as a fighter than could hand-to-hand combat fine, plus survive a beam or 2. (the map)
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:01 am
by psy
And an old strategy guide:
Elf Thief:
Strength : 18
Agility: 22
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 10
Dreg Thief:
Strength: 16
Agility: 18
Constitution: 21
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Strat: Level 2-8 (Cons), 9-11 (Str), 12+ (Alt b/w Str + Agil)
Skills: Max Swords, then Read, Save points until get Special Abilities, Swim (Level 11), Attack Run (Level 14 Max others first)
Notes: Ignore weapons skills other than swords, and when you get to level 12 or 13 carry a light sword and a dispell mace, good tactic
(Jericho The Mystic Mage)
Human Paladin:
Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Strat: Alt b/w Str and Agil, Get agi to 25, all Str after.
(Android 17)
Human Paladin:
Strength: 17
Agility: 17
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
(Wierd Warlock)
Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 10
Stats at level 14: 22, 22, 16, 14, 14 (261 HP, 49 MP, Damage 80-100 - punches)
Notes: That 80-100 is in puches if you want you can add a sword and gloves of strenght to take it up to around 150-200 add battle rage to that and it gets even better add the div teuri at 15 then you reach the rank of unstoppableand thanks to my intel and wis that spell will be alot stronger
Strength: 22
Agility: 12
Constitution: 21
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Strat: Raise Agil every levll until it hits 20 at least. Then alt b/w agil and str.
Notes: Youll be a mean meeleeer, have lots of hp, and still be able to cast the power spells.
Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 22
Wisdom: 18
Strat: Bring up Wisd to 20 and then Const to 20.
Notes: Level by level u will need to figure out where to hunt.....but by level 5 u can be off rogues and by level 6.....if ur skilled......u can be in east dungeon.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:43 am
by Karl G.
psy wrote:Stats at level 14: 22, 22, 16, 14, 14 (261 HP, 49 MP, Damage 80-100 - punches)
Wow, hp was really that low?!
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:29 am
by marzuku
i told you karl, on xen ej used low numbers so it would be easy, my lvl 25 had like 500 hp or something.
that way the math would be alot easier to calculate etc, and it would be easy to implement damage.
Re: Why did Xenimus ...

Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:03 pm
by Karl G.
I guess....but I mean 269 HP at lvl 15 is nuts!