Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:42 am
by marzuku
Well, we've got guilds, we've sort of got sets of gear, and several classes, now the next level would be mixxing all of those together?
This will help enhance the idea of exclusive guilds, because nobody wants some newb stealing all the best drops from a boss, and people will pretty much be getting friendly and want no outsiders screwing with them.
For players to create their own exclusive guilds, there must be some "non-exclusive" guilds aswell.
Guilds should not have a maximum number of players, if some moron(pardon my french) decides to invite 200 people into 1 guild, then he will be screwing himself over by the end of the day. and this is why:
Raid dungeon:
There are dungeons where players with high skill may enter with their comrades to seek ancient treasures(rare items.
A raid Dungeon would consist of high level monsters & bosses whom hit harder than usual and endure more damage, but also drop better than usual, there are however several sets of drops, one which benefits each class, so you will have to wait until your set item drops by clearing the dungeon several times.
There is room for 16 players within a raid dungeon.
A raid would be like starting a guild-sized party otherwise known as Raid ingame, a player would have to join another leading him to a raid, possible indication r/lead <Bob is inviting players to raid> to join then r/join
Party dungeon: basically the same as a raid dungeon only on a smaller scale, 8 players, monsters hit harder than normal monsters and endure more damage but they drop uncommon items.
So by the end of the day, the game is about getting gear and cool stuff, so people will actually make their guild more exclusive so they can get their gear faster, and this will probably make people apply to guilds formally.
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:54 am
by Stick Stickly
I like the raid ideas and such but I like the 16 member guild limit. It prevents large, annoying guilds from forming. Big guilds like that also demean players from ever becomming good cause they're surrounded by morons. 16 people limit let's guilds only invite the best of the best. Meaning the guild you're in will hopefully have no fail members.
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:29 pm
by Morn
Raid dungeons and guaranteed better drops violate several of the Pre-Concepts of the game.
1- You can get pk'd/PVP ANYWHERE that is not a safe zone. IE- There are NO special maps where you are going to only enu counter members of your own party.
If you want better drops, and have the benefit of a guild that is helpful, you can always get a bunch of friends together and explore an area 5-10 levels higher than your own. The group of you could help defend against any higher lvls that decide to pk you.
2- Non-Tiered Gear is supposed RARE. As in you could probably trade one piece of Rare gear for a whole stack of lightning rings. (And I don't think there have been any lightning rings discovered yet.)
So by the end of the day, the game is about getting gear and cool stuff
That is only one aspect of the game. One that shouldn't be accomplished in one evening of raiding.
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:24 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
Oh yeah, just to throw this out there. There are 2 rare items that have not been found yet.
I will tell you that they drop at Southern Crypt, a.k.a Hard Liches.
So, Get Going People! I want to see someone parading around the square with a rare item!
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:33 pm
by willy nilly
I'm not to sure if I like the Idea of guilds getting better gear drops through monsters. This would kind of make it necessary for players to join a guild to stay competitive. I think alot of people like going lone wolf, I know I do sometimes.
No body likes some noob stealing the drops BUT whats the fun in denying that "noob" the opportunity? let the games developing social politics decide what happens to the gear hogging assholes in parties. I know sometimes when I go hard linches with people it is a ninja fest but it's all in competitive fun and no body is particularly caring atm because we all seem to have a neutral respect WHICH however will change as time goes on. A well organized guild will sort out what happens to dropped gear and most likely divide it based on members need. I know when me and Zor go hunting we come back to town split anything we have doubles of and give anything that the over class needs. It is a crucial part of game survival finding people you can trust. I think something like this should go into one of those games you don't particularly have to think about. I will fall in love with this game if social dynamics/ politics and player intelligence is a vital part of gameplay. Although I completely understand alot of people are simply not interested in this stuff.
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:38 pm
by Morn
Part-Time Modeler wrote:Oh yeah, just to throw this out there. There are 2 rare items that have not been found yet.
I will tell you that they drop at Southern Crypt, a.k.a Hard Liches.
So, Get Going People! I want to see someone parading around the square with a rare item!
Not a lot of people can hunt right now. The lag is that bad.
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:24 am
by marzuku
Stick Stickly wrote:I like the raid ideas and such but I like the 16 member guild limit. It prevents large, annoying guilds from forming. Big guilds like that also demean players from ever becomming good cause they're surrounded by morons. 16 people limit let's guilds only invite the best of the best. Meaning the guild you're in will hopefully have no fail members.
well, without the large annoying guilds, you wont see the difference between good and bad guilds?
Re: Raid/Party dungeon's

Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:30 am
by marzuku
Morn wrote:Raid dungeons and guaranteed better drops violate several of the Pre-Concepts of the game.
1- You can get pk'd/PVP ANYWHERE that is not a safe zone. IE- There are NO special maps where you are going to only enu counter members of your own party.
If you want better drops, and have the benefit of a guild that is helpful, you can always get a bunch of friends together and explore an area 5-10 levels higher than your own. The group of you could help defend against any higher lvls that decide to pk you.
2- Non-Tiered Gear is supposed RARE. As in you could probably trade one piece of Rare gear for a whole stack of lightning rings. (And I don't think there have been any lightning rings discovered yet.)
So by the end of the day, the game is about getting gear and cool stuff
That is only one aspect of the game. One that shouldn't be accomplished in one evening of raiding.
1.There are no special maps "YET" i thought ive heard talk of dungeons, so...., besides grinding a spot with 16 people is basically a raid, unless its a Raid dungeon that you most likely would HAVE to need 16 good players who knew tactics to survive, and allso you will most likely not get to the boss before later, if the dungeons were saved to guild you could clear a dungeon in a week? and then maybe 2 weeks to reset or whatever?
2.the game is also about cheating of death and theft of gear, loss of exp etc.
Also obviously a player who tries to pk some raider with awsome gear will most likely die unless he has skills, introducing skills into the equation again?
1 Evening of raiding?
well the gear will most likely be harder to get than just "one-evening" with raiding, and when you are past that one raid dungeon you still have to hunt etc to level again.