I have to say thats very interesting Karl, I believe that sounds a very feasable approach to the economy maintaining stability and reducing the masses of wealth.
Just on a side from that about categorizing weapons into 3 different quality types for the Bazaar. Would it not seem more effective and give you more flexibility to include item classes? I mean I am no expert (yet

) but i'm sure that an item class would allow you the ability to prevent people from posting expert items into the beginner items tabs.
And also with item classes you can expand even deeper, such as:--------ITEM CLASS---------////-----ITEM QUALITY----------
<> Beginner's Equpiment ---> Low, Medium, High (Quality)
<> Intermediate Equip"" ---> Low, Medium, High (Quality)
<> Expert Equipment""" ---> Low, Medium, High (Quality)
From there we develope further with magic properties for example:----ITEM CLASS-----////------------------ITEM QUALITY----------------------
<> Beginner's Vest ---> Low (+2 Armour), Medium (+3 Armour), High (+4 Armour)
<> Intermedi Vest ---> Low (+5 Armour), Medium (+6 Armour), High (+7 Armour)
<> Expert's '''' Vest ---> Low (+8 Armour), Medium (+9 Armour), High (+10 Armour)
Even Further with damage ranges:------ITEM CLASS-----////------------------ITEM QUALITY------------------
<> Beginner's Sword ---> Low (5 - 10), Medium (12 - 17), High (19 - 24)
<> Intermed's Sword ---> Low (26 - 31), Medium (33 - 38), High (40 - 45)
<> Expert'''''''s Sword ---> Low (47 - 52), Medium (54 - 59), High (61 - 66)
Differentiating expert weapons from beginner could include the following possibly?:-----ITEM CLASS-------////-----------------------------------------------------ITEM QUALITY--------------------------------------------------
<> Beginners Swords ----> Low (No Overlay), Medium (No Overlay), High (Slight Transparent Green Overlay)
<> Intermedi Swords ----> Low (No Overlay), Medium (Slight Transparent Yellow Overlay), High (Slight Transparent Blue Overlay)
<> Experts'''''' Swords ----> Low (Slight Transparent Deep Blue Overlay), Medium (Slight Transparent Purple Overlay), High (Slight Transparent Red Overlay)
Moving further into the professions or merchant? Converting Items quality for players to increase items potential bonuses available----PROFFESSION CLASS-----///-----ITEM CONVERSION (QUALITY)-------
<> Beginner Item Forger ' ' ---> Low to Medium
<> Intermed Item Forger ' ' ---> Medium to High
(ONLY)<> Expertis Item Forger ' ' ---> Low to Medium to High
Another slight idea, maybe not plausable but still is potential----PROFFESSION CLASS-----///-----ITEM CONVERSION (CLASS)-------
<> Master Forger ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----> Class Modify
(One Class Modification Only). Low to Medium, Medium to High.
One class modification only justification - When a low quality item has been through the Master Forger for modification it will be developed into a Medium Quality item. Once this has been achieved a flag will be set to say, This item has been modified. No other class modifications can take place. This limits the over all godly status a forger could potentially have when changing everything into high level items and dominating in that respect. So Items will need to be found at at least Medium quality to be brought into the High quality status, Therefore economy will be disregarding Low Quality items as such, but will be interested in Medium (For Modification) and High Quality because of its rarity with no modifications needed. Obviously High Qaulity items would need some form of bonus at some stage, just like Medium can be Modified, High quality item would be extremely rare and the bearer granted some form of bonus available to that item due to its un modded state.
These are just a few advantages, but i'm sure the advantages of an item class and or quality class will benefit in a lot more different ways and allows you to make tonnes of
Different items using the same models. And that will increase the value of High quality Newbie items for the Bazaar. And such with High quality Expert items, making Low Quality items less valuable and more than likely invaluable compared to high quality.
Gosh I think I am ultimately that bored at work...I would rather be posting my interesting ideas to everyone! - So many keep pushing through me...
Hows things going Karl?
All the Best Guys