Yep, I'm definitely looking forward to that stuff too =)
The party system shouldn't actually be working otherwise I would have added those comments. The fact that it does anything at this point (and that it doesn't crash!) is nothing short of amazing...I thought I had disabled it O.o Since I didn't, I'll just go ahead and add the notifications tonight.
As for dragons...

- The confusion with stats is that nothing gets recalculated until you apply your next stat point. I've fixed this for the next version to help remove this confusion. Adding a point in agility doesn't make your HP go up, it just forced the game to recalculate your avatar's base stats and since your HP goes up naturally each level it appeared that adding a point to anything made your hp go up.
- Warriors will definitely be getting some cool abilities in the coming updates; I'm well aware of this one!
- /hidehelmet and /showhelmet are going up in this update
- aoe spells hit players if you say /all
I thought all client-side crash bugs had been fixed and I haven't seen anyone mention a problem until right now. Can you guys elaborate?